Opening Hours, Monday to Saturday 8:30am to 5:30pm, Weekend, Public Holidays and after hours by prior bookings.
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A co-working space teeming with opportunities
Whether you’re looking for an alternative to renting a small office, require on-demand meeting or event spaces, or just want a bit of extra motivation by working around like-minded and inspiring people, The Business Hub at Bogije is the perfect environment to grow your idea.
A modern workspace
The nature of work has changed forever. You no longer need to agonise over signing a lease, invest in infrastructure and services, all to run a small office you may or may not use enough to justify the expenses. Whether its a casual space, private desk or meeting space, we offer business of all sizes the opportunity to re-imagine their work habits.
Private Desks
You can choose a casual hot desk, or speak to us about locking in a permanent space you can call your own.
Fast and Reliable Internet
Broadband, wired or wireless.
We believe, when people connect and collaborate, businesses thrive.
Business Workshops
We’ll be running a series of free training events, run by our business experts to help you manage and grow your business.
Physical Mailbox
Drop the PO Box or your private address and use the hub as your business address. Options depend on commitment. Let’s chat about it?
Member Resources
Connect with our business experts, get your own profile in our member directory, and access exclusive member only resources.